Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God Help Us

I'm not done with my research into the Lisbon Treaty, but I have to post this piece from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Page 8, number 10. 

10. Led by developed country Parties, [an economic transition is needed [that shifts] [in order to adjust] global economic growth patterns towards a sustainable [low-emission economy] based on development of innovative technologies, more sustainable production and consumption, promoting sustainable lifestyles and [climate-resilient] [sustainable] development [while ensuring a just transition of the workforce]. The active participation of all stakeholders in this transition should be sought [, be they governmental, including subnational and local government, private business or civil society, including the youth and addressing the need for gender equity].] Those developing countries that were and are low carbon economies need sufficient financial incentives and appropriate technology transfer (not sharing, but transfer) to keep avoiding GHG emissions in their path to sustainable development and to prevent adopting the high GHG emission trajectories of developed countries.

Translation, we will be forced to give undeveloped countries our money and technology. And we have to stop using stuff. Like electricity. Unless it comes from windmills..


Okay, I'm going back to my reading now.

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